Creating a Mobile-First Website

May 12, 2020 | Website

For years you’ve been told “Mobile is the future, mobile is the new computer, mobile is going to be the preferred source of internet browsing.” Well, that day has arrived and is in full effect. Mobile is here, and it’s here to stay.

Mobile device traffic accounts for over half (51.51%) of global online traffic.

Mobile devices account for 60% of all organic search engine visits in the United States.

53% of online shopping traffic comes from mobile phones.

What does a mobile-first website mean?

Mobile-first design is exactly as it sounds. Strategizing, planning, and designing for mobile-first and then scaling up to tablets and computers from there.

Mobile-first ensures that you deliver the right User Experience (UX) to the right screen.

With a smaller limited space available on a mobile phone screen designing for that makes far more sense for the UX. Website designers must prioritize the elements of the website that are most important to create a great experience.

Responsive web design is a design method that allows a website to scale and fit the screens of different devices automatically. The design and website development should respond to the user’s behavior based on the device they are using.


When designing a website for mobile-first it is important to consider that the need for those searching on mobile is probably different from those searching on a desktop. Those searching from a desktop are probably looking for more detailed responses and additional information, on mobile it is far more likely the user is simply after quick information. They want access to what they want quickly and easily.

When designing for mobile-first the content must be very carefully considered. What do you want the user need to know instantly? Designing this way will make the user experience a lot simpler too as it will force the designer to reduce their use of extra functionality and elements in order to focus on that which is essential.

Simplicity is key in mobile design. When users handle their mobile devices, they are using their fingers as opposed to a precise cursor, so you should not include too many trendy desktop features such as pop-ups or hard to navigate menus. It is also important that everything is easily reachable, as the website should accommodate people using their phone with only one hand.


Users are much more distracted and likely to go down a website rabbit hole when using mobile devices in comparison to desktops. The performance of your mobile website is key. The connection speed should be quick and the links should work instantly to give the user a pleasant and easy experience to help reduce the bounce rate.

Neglecting to consider mobile-first web design in 2020 will instantly place your company in a place to play catch up. Contact Us and we would love to help you get set up for success!

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