Meet Nicole Conway – An Interview With SDVoyager

Jul 12, 2021 | Internal CMG

Meet Nicole Conway of Conway Marketing Group

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nicole Conway.

Nicole, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I have worked in marketing for nearly 20 years. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to lead a broad range of marketing disciplines, including marketing strategy, branding, digital marketing, web development, marketing acquisitions, public relations, communications, and event planning. I’ve always been great at building connections and relationships with people, as well as strategy development and implementation. 

Starting my own agency was something I dreamed about since I started my career in Marketing. I actually came up with the name Conway Marketing Group in my early 20s. I quietly saved ideas for the company while gaining experience and expertise from some of the best San Diego companies and mentors in the business. 

Towards the end of 2019, I had been with AMN Healthcare for five years and started to do some introspection on the next right step. While working for AMN was a wonderful experience, I knew starting my company was the best move for my career and my family. My goal was to take all the knowledge I had gained to build a team that can help companies in a variety of industries grow and deliver on their brand promise.

I also wanted to be more present with my family, which meant building a family-friendly company that allows people to do their best work remotely. I envisioned a remote workforce long before this became a trend due to COVID. Our team can deliver exceptional results while also making the most of their personal time, which ultimately enhances productivity and creativity.

Read the full interview with Nicole at SDVoyager

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